Outdoor Features
Water Feature
On the way up the temple, visitors walk by a water feature that contains small statues of Buddha and animals of the Chinese zodiac.

Outdoor Features
During the reign of King Rama II, there were many cholera epidemics that broke out in the city. Over the years, there were over 30,000 deaths. Many of the bodies were taken to Wat Saket, but Wat Saket could not handle the magnitude. As time passed, vultures came to feast on the dead bodies. Today, this structure is in place as a reminder of the historical significance of the temple.

Inside the Temple
Images of the Monarchy
For the 240th Anniversary of the Foundation of Rattanakosin celebration, his Majesty and her Majesty visited Wat Saket in 2022 to pay respect to the Gautama Buddha's relics. They performed meritorious deeds and offerings in memory of all former Thai monarchs.

Inside the Temple
Wall Art
Overall, there's little art that adorns the walls of the temple. One of the few images on the walls illustrates the 12 animals of Chinese zodiac animals.

Inside the Temple
Buddha Relics
Small section with Buddhist shrines.

Inside the Temple
Buddha Relics, PT II
Section with Buddha relics. Buddha is represented in various poses.

Inside the Temple
Buddha Relics, PT III
Underneath the chedi, there are four Buddha relics that have been covered in gold leaves by worshipers over time.

Row of Large Ringing Bells
The ringing of the bell can be interpreted as a sign of Buddha. The sound produced after ringing the bell can signify the sound of inner peace and can be used during meditation. Also, the ringing of the row of bells at Wat Saket is considered to bring good luck. Visitors often ring the bells as they walk up to the temple.

Small Hanging Bells
There are small bells hanging around the temple that chime when the wind blows. Most of these have wishes written on them by individuals who have visited the temple.

After ascending to heaven, visitors will see the first Thao Katha, which is the destiny of people born in the year of the rat, the year of ox
and the year of tiger. Visitors can pay respects with fruits, apples, oranges, and bananas.
Thao Katha Rot, ท้าวธตรฐ

These Buddha relics were discovered in the late 19th century and presented as a gift to King Rama V. The King donated some of the relics to Wat Saket.
Buddha Relics